Hello, Illustrated Guide to Audio and Film Formats books out now!

trio of books

Hello! Today is the day!

The Illustrated Guide to Audio Formats and The Illustrated Guide to Film Formats are now available (or can become available) everywhere books are sold!

Buy ‘em now!

You can also visit my Author page on Bookshop.org or my Author page on Amazon.

These books are arriving one year after the first of the series, The Illustrated Guide to Video Formats, was published. It’s been a huge amount of work researching formats, selecting and narrowing down to 36 formats, building websites, drafting illustrations, refining details, working with fact-checkers, assembling, proofing, re-proofing, finalizing, re-finalizing, final_final_finalFINALversion-checking, and publishing.

Please consider picking up a copy or sharing widely with your friends. Especially with the recent stratification of social media, it’s harder to get the word out!

As a reminder, the Media Guides have a dedicated website where you can grab or share the illustrations and data anytime: https://mediaguides.archivesoftomorrow.com/

new media guides

I want to thank my reviewers: Susie Cummings and Andrew Weaver (Audio), C. Diaz and David Neary (Film).

In other great news, all three books have been translated into Spanish! The translation work is complete (link available on the Media Guides website), and I’ll be working through updating the page layouts and doing other steps required to publish. The translation was done by Valeria Dávila, and she was absolutely a joy to work with – very thorough and exactly perfect, every time! I am aiming to publish these by November.

I wrote a little bit about this, but as much of my creation process was open source, unless it was not possible (for example, uploading to publishing platforms and digital proof review – its out of my hands at that point). See that linked post for more details.