Class 15 - The Next Big Idea
- Nathaniel Stern, The World After Us (2020)
RFC as koan
- V. Cerf, RFC 1607: A VIEW FROM THE 21ST CENTURY (April 1 1994)
Emulator as koan
- the next big thing
- alternate histories
- where we were and where we are going
- Again: “Tell me one thing that will be true about computers ten years from now?”
- What is the next big idea? What is the next big social change? How do these compliment or contrast with each other?
Episodes: - S4E09 “Ten of Swords” (Series finale)
And that’s a wrap! This final class should cover the gap between the last episode and where we are today, what has changed, and what will change. What is our role in being that force for change?
- Claire L. Evans, Mother Internet, The Open Mind (March 2018)
- Janet Abbate, How the Internet lost its soul (November 2019)
- Jessa Lingel, The gentrification of the internet (March 2019)
- Jessica Ogden, et al, This is For Everyone? Steps towards decolonizing the Web (2015)
Marianne Bellotti, Marianne Bellotti - We Killed These Things With Fire: economics, society and system design alt link (Nov 2019) - Geert Lovink, Cyberselfishness Explained: Interview with Paulina Borsook (December 2001) and Paulina Borsook: Cyberselfish 15 years after, Part I (Jan 2015)